Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Balancing Act

I'm a Jesus lover, wife, mom to 3, daughter, sister, friend, ministry worker, coach, employee, like to work out, like to have other hobbies kinda girl.  And as you can imagine that girl is ALWAYS on the go!  Balancing the act is very hard some days and other days I feel like a bustin out to Katy Perry's Tiger song, "Cause I am a champion & you're gonna hear me rooooaaarrrr."

Truth be told I dont really recall a time in life where I wasn't busy....  I come from a large busy family, played sports and was involved in lots of stuff during high school, played a sport in college that kept me juggling, and well, I've been juggling ever since.  I have, however, had some revelations in my years of performing this balancing act that I'd like to share.

1. If Jesus doesn't come first, you mind as well put Him last.  When you are busy with babies and bosses and deadlines and things you can touch, He can and will get lost in the shuffle unless He is THE top priority.

2. When Jesus comes first, he flows through each of the other areas of your life.  Everything just runs smoother.  You have clarity about what is important at all times.  There is also a peace that surpasses understanding when He's in the middle of everything.  Picture an orchestra with no conductor, a team with no coach....It just doesn't work.  And if it works without Him for a time, in the end it will fall apart & in the during you are giving Him no glory. :(

3. Your husband has to come second.  I struggle with this a lot.  Like a lot. When my kids finally go to bed and I finally get to sit down on a couch and have "me" time, I'm met with a handsome face who would like some "him & me" time.  & I have to hide the eye rolls and remember.... I want to put him before myself.  His needs over my needs.  But good Lawd is that hard!  Selfishness really is the easy way out.  Also, I still suck at this.

4. My kids are young.  They won't always be this little.  Quality time over quantity time, all the time.  And let's be honest...  I just remember having a stable home environment where I was safe, loved, and cared for...  I don't remember hardly anything else until I was in about the 2nd grade, so I cut myself some slack for not having the most incredible activities planned to challenge their lil minds.  :)

5. The best way to spend time with my kids is to make them a part of whatever I'm doing.  If I shop, they shop.  If I garden, they garden.  If I clean, they clean.  If I cook, they cook.

6. Ministry is the hardest job I've ever had.  Ever.  I wouldn't even say that ministry is a job, it's more of a lifestyle.  It's so different.  I grew up in a pastor's home, so you would think that you would know the in's and out's.  You don't.  It's so much more than I could have possibly thought or imagined.  This is a WHOLE NOTHER POST!

I can't even tell you how many times I've dropped the "balls" that I'm trying to juggle.  And when I say dropped, I mean go and cry in a dark place for a long time and don't wanna come out! At the end of the cry, I re-hash all the revelations you just read, then come crawling out remembering how blessed I am & how this life is but a vapor, so my problems and mess-ups are so very temporary.  :)

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