Thursday, August 29, 2013

Things I Never Wanna Forget: {Crew Manning Edition}

Crew is a boy through and through.  When he was born, he spent a week in the NICU, due to his lungs not functioning properly.  He's been making up for that lack of lung function ever since.  He is SO LOUD!

Crew is tough!  From the time he could walk, he has banged himself against more walls and furniture than I could count and he rarely cries.  I remember walking through the house trying to figure out where loud banging noises were coming from.... It was Crew running head first into the wall to make his sister laugh.

Crew hates water.  All kinds.  Pools.  Oceans.  Baths are ok sometimes, but it's taken 3 years to get to ok.  I am so amazed at him hating water, because he is fearless when it comes to all other things.  I'll take a little fear when I can get it, especially if it slows him down a little bit!

Crew mispronounces words and I want to keep it that way forever!  Kevin always tries to correct him, and I hate it.  I always want to cut the "wrist" off his sandwiches (crust).  I want him to always talk to me about "necked" witches (wicked).  I want to ask to wear his "comby-fee" clothes (comfy).  I want to apply medicine to his "cooter" bites (mosquito).

Crew is a politician.  He loves to meet new people and talk to them about everything.  His favorite conversation starter is, "Hey, you like my shoes?"  And from there he divulges information about himself and gets to know whomever he meets.  His favorite are older ladies with white hair.  He says he loves them all because they are a Grandma.  My heart just swells, and I could kiss his face off.

Crew loves to call people names.  His favorites are nerd and ferret.

Crew loves superheroes. Finally.  His favorite show was a fairy show, so I started making him watch shows where they fight and jump off things and do boy things.  I couldn't take his sister dressing him up in a tu-tu again. Enough was enough.

Crew loves fiercely.  Whoever you are.  He loves you.  He makes friends easy and fast.  I can 't wait to see how God uses all of these things for His glory one day.  I am in love with my CrewMan.

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